Deathgarden: Rebirth Logo

End User License Agreement (EULA) for Deathgarden: Rebirth

Effective Date: 09/12/2024

1. Acceptance of Terms

By installing, accessing, or using Deathgarden: Rebirth (the "Game"), you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this End User License Agreement ("EULA"). If you do not agree to these terms, do not install, access, or use the Game.

2. License Grant

The Game is licensed, not sold, to you for personal, non-commercial use. This license is subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions of this EULA.

3. Ownership and Intellectual Property

Deathgarden: Rebirth is a fan-made modification of the original DEATHGARDENâ„¢ game. We are not the original developers of the Game, and all rights, including the license, logos, and brand associated with DEATHGARDENâ„¢, are owned by Behaviour Interactive Inc. (BHVR). This EULA does not grant you any rights to the intellectual property owned by BHVR.

4. Prohibited Activities

You agree not to engage in the following activities while using the Game: 4.1 Hacking and Cheating The use of any hacks, cheats, bots, automation software, or any other third-party software designed to modify the Game or gain an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited. 4.2 Unauthorized Modifications Creating, using, or distributing unauthorized mods or alterations of the Game is not allowed. All modifications must be reviewed and approved by the official development team before they are included in the Game. 4.3 Harassment and Threatening Behavior You must not harass, threaten, or engage in abusive behavior towards other players through in- game voice chat, text chat, or any other communication channels within the Game. This includes, but is not limited to, hate speech, discriminatory remarks, or any form of harassment. 4.4 Impersonation of Rebirth Developers Falsely claiming to be a developer or representative of Deathgarden: Rebirth is strictly forbidden. Impersonation can lead to severe penalties, including permanent bans. 4.5 Match Abandonment Frequently leaving matches prematurely or exiting the Tally screen early as a host to prevent other players from receiving their progression is prohibited. Such behavior may result in temporary or permanent game bans. 4.6 Intentional Self-Elimination Deliberately causing your in-game death to leave a match without a valid reason (e.g., jumping off the map) is strictly forbidden. This behavior, when done excess, is viewed as abandoning your team and detracts from the overall gameplay experience for all participants. Each instance must be reported through the in-game reporting system, and supporting evidence should be sent to our email at: Repeated offenses may result in warnings and potential penalties, including account suspension or bans.

5. Account Suspension and Termination

The development team reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Game for violations of this EULA. Penalties for violations may include temporary or permanent bans from the Game, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.

6. User Data

To provide you with the Game, we collect certain information from your Steam account, including your SteamID64, Steam profile picture, and current username.

7. Updates and Modifications

We reserve the right to update, modify, or discontinue the Game Mod, or any part of it, at any time without notice. Your continued use of the Game following any changes to this EULA constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

8. Limitation of Liability

The Game is provided "as is" without any warranties, express or implied. We are not liable for any damages arising from your use of the Game, including but not limited to, loss of data, account bans, or disruptions in gameplay.

9. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this EULA, please contact us at:

10. Acknowledgment of Original Developers

We acknowledge that Deathgarden and all associated intellectual property, including but not limited to the game mechanics, logos, and brand, are the property of Behaviour Interactive Inc. (BHVR). This fan-made modification is not endorsed by or affiliated with BHVR.
By playing Deathgarden: Rebirth, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this EULA. Failure to comply with these terms may result in penalties, including but not limited to, account suspension or permanent bans.
Stay Connected 2018-2024 and BEHAVIOUR, DEATHGARDEN, and other related trademarks and logos belong to Behaviour Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. The Rebirth Team is not affiliated with Behaviour Interactive Inc. and is a free to play project.